Monday, December 2, 2019

Top 10 Best Features of Second Presbyterian

At Second Presbyterian Church there are so many great features, it was hard to narrow it down to 10 but we did. This is the last group post for our Beyond the Grave class, Jeffery Jones, Graham Herndon and I put together our top 10 favorite features this church and graveyard gave to offer.

Starting with number 10, we have.....

10. The Layout

This angle is on the walkway that runs
parallel to the church just after walking in
This graveyard is on the smaller side, however, there are so many people buried here. They are nice walkways to walk on, but get a closer look at someone's marker you may have to walk over someone else. Most of the grave sties are to the left, when facing the front of the church, as well as behind it. There are not many on the right side due to the sidewalk and road. There are several sections where multiple grave sites are fenced together, these are some of the family plots. Overall, the layout has a nice flow to it and when you get to the back of the church it seems to open up and feel bigger.

This section is to the left side when
facing the church
This section is also on the left side
of the church

As you can see from these pictures, the grave sites are pretty close together. This does not necessarily mean they are related, as more people are buried there becomes less room for everyone to be spread out.

This section is also on the left side
of the church, looking toward the back
portion of the graveyard
This section is on the back side
of the church