Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Hurricane Dorian Took Everything but the Lovebugs

Hurricane Dorian took everything but decided to leave us with the lovebugs! Dorian is even canceling schools just barely into the semester, but it won't take the lovebugs back home.

Hurricane Dorian formed August 24, 2019, hit the Bahamas and is now off the coast of Florida. This storm is one of the most powerful systems ever observed in the Atlantic Ocean.

Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamas as a Category 5, moving ever so slowly. The damage it has already made in the Bahamas is breath taking. Homes destroyed, lives lost, and fear in everyone. They will remember the time before Dorian and a time after.

This hurricane comes just 30 years after Hurricane Hugo hit Charleston directly. They encouraged people to evacuate, then the storm got closer and told people to get out as fast as they could, shortly before it hit there was no time and said to seek shelter. With Hurricane Dorian many people are hunkering down or evacuating with plenty of time, no one wants a repeat of Hurricane Hugo.

Schools, offices, and many other working environments have canceled for the whole week in preparation for the storm. They predict the eye of the storm to ride the coast but not make landfall. Either way this storm is going to be horrendous for the South Eastern Coast of the United States.

I think we got enough food.
The shelves are empty!

Let's get some more just in case!
With stock flying off the shelves at super markets, everyone is preparing for what could be disastrous. We have loaded up on food, water and gas. Who knows if/when we will lose power and for how long. In the times of a hurricane, you can never be too prepared. 

Charleston is expected to see Dorian Thursday morning, however we begin to see tropical storm winds and rain on Wednesday.
Stay safe everyone and keep the Bahamas in your thoughts as they begin to recover!

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